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Baddha Konasana (Bound Angle Pose)

Baddha Konasana, commonly known as the Bound Angle Pose or Butterfly Pose, is a seated yoga posture that focuses on opening the hips and stretching the inner thighs. The name is derived from Sanskrit, where:

  • Baddha = Bound
  • Kona = Angle
  • Asana = Pose or Posture

In this posture, the soles of the feet are pressed together while the knees drop outward, forming a diamond shape with the legs. The hands hold the feet, and the spine remains upright.

Key Benefits:

  • Improves flexibility in the hips, groin, and inner thighs.
  • Stimulates abdominal organs and enhances blood circulation.
  • Reduces stress and promotes relaxation.

Chakra Association:
This pose activates the Swadhisthana (Sacral) Chakra, promoting emotional balance and creativity.

Avoid this pose in cases of severe knee or hip injuries.

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