Do you get overwhelmed with every day to-do list?
Do you procrastinate things very often?
Do you feel that despite being busy all day, still there are many things unaccomplished?
DO you get stressed and drained easily?

In this Era of instant things like instant coffee, instant noodles, instant water heater and so on, we are automatically becoming and working like robot. With the need to do everything fast and instant, having peer pressure, we fall into competition for our self or which society puts. Hence, we become victim of stress. Result of above is stress, anxiety and health issues. Deadlines, expectations, passions, competition etc. gives rise to stress. Constant pressure of deadlines, fear of falling behind etc. will cause anxiety.

In today’s environment, we are literally living with stress and anxiety and it is becoming part of our system. Which automatically affects health. If you see the physiology of stress, during the stress, there will be lot of stress on functioning of all body parts as they need to cope up with stress. So basically, when you undergo stress and in some cases constant stress, sympathetic nervous system is active which will work for fight or flight reactions. Due to activation of SNS(sympathetic nervous system), first system which gets affected is digestive system. Depends on the weakest organ or part of the body, you might face health issues like Migraine, Heart related problem, Diabetes, Asthama, Back and knee pain etc.

But at the same time when you relax yourself, you stay happy and relaxed, Parasympathetic nervous system is active and whole nervous system is in balance.
But how can you stay happy, connected, relaxed with piles of work, to do lists, expectations from family members, colleagues , friends and society. How can you achieve more during the day?

We all have got 24 hours in a day, if you follow these just 12 tips, you will avoid stress and anxiety and you will experience healthy, happy and fruitful day. This will help you to handle your daily activities better. It will help you to face any stressful situation in a better way. It will improve your productivity. It will help you with balanced Nervous system and hence your immune and digestive system.
So if you follow these simple 12 tips, your day will progress without stress and you will have more productive and fruitful day.

1. Meditation, because some questions can’t be answered by google. Start your day with Meditation

. Start from 5 min and slowly increase time until 15 min or which you can afford to give. Just close eyes and sit in silence. Initially you might feel restless, your mind might jump to many thoughts but don’t give up, it will come with practice. You can choose to use soothing background music or do gazing or concentrate on object or simply chant mantra. Know what best suits you.

2. If you have time for Facebook, you have time for exercise

. Just give 15 mins for simple stretching, Gym, running, walking, warm up followed by 5-10 rounds of Sun salutation to improve blood circulation and metabolism. If you can afford more time, add few postures into your daily practice

3. A long and subtle breath establishes a calm mind, A calm mind is the foundation of great things

. Spend 5 mins in Pranayama or breathing techniques like Alternate nostril breathing (Inhale from left nostril, exhale from right nostril, inhale right nostril and exhale from left nostril) .5 up to 27 rounds (depends on your time). This is the Instant technique to balance Nervous system and bring down stress.

4. Nobody is too busy, it’s the matter of priorities

. Make the list of things you need to do during the day. Out of that list, prioritize which ones needs immediate attention and plan your activity accordingly.

5. Speak when you are angry, and you will make the best speech you will ever regret

. If you get irritated and angry very easily, just practice deep breathing with counts. Deep Inhalation for 5 counts and exhale for 5 counts. Deep breaths will help you calm down and gives you time to really think about what happened and avoid any after affects.

6. The worst sleeping disorder is being awake

. If you have difficulty in sleeping or have disturbed sleep, practice bhramari half an before you go to bed (How to do :Tip of your tongue touch to upper palate behind teeth, close lips and make sound mmmmm with each exhalation- 5 to 27 rounds). It clears out all the crazy thoughts from mind.

7. Positive and negative emotions cannot occupy the mind at the same time

. During the day, watch your negative emotions. Do you get angry, irritated, feel sad, low very often? Work on culturing/balancing these emotions. Get in touch with your emotion and identify that it’s in you and you are the one who needs to change it and let it go e.g. sadness -try to find joy in the things you like. Anger with love and compassion, forgiveness etc. Just let go of expectations and ego.

8. Thinking positive isn’t about expecting the best to happen every time, but accepting that whatever happens is the best for this moment

. Staying and thinking positive needs practice. Hence always look for positive and brighter side

9. A friend is one that knows you as you are, understand where you have been, accepts what you have become, and still gently allows you to grow

. Have that buddy or family person to discuss about your problems, fears or difficulties you are going through if any. Sharing your burdens with close ones will is almost getting close to finding solutions.

10. Energy flows when intention goes

. Have small Sankalp/Resolve, set an intention throughout the day if you really want to work and improve on the issues and repeat it throughout the day.
e.g: I am healthy – if facing health issues
I am happy – If you are going through emotional imbalance
I am confident – if working on self-esteem or confidence issues

11. The only mistake you can make is not asking for HELP

. Don’t afraid to ask for help to friends, colleagues, family members or even strangers if need to be. You can’t manage thing single handedly every time.

12. Keep selfies of your soul, keep journal

. Write your thoughts, gratitude, goals and feelings in the journal. It will help you keep accountable, can track your progress and goals and keep you motivated.

Enjoy the day as it comes .Nothing is permanent in life and hence problems.

Have a fruitful day!

  • Aarti
    Posted 22/11/2017 11:33 pm 0Likes

    Hi Archana,
    This is so full of healthy tips. Thanks for sharing

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