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Cobra Pose – Bhujangasana

Cobra Pose (Sanskrit: Bhujangasana) is a foundational backbend posture in yoga that is part of the Sun Salutation sequence and practiced in many yoga styles. Named after the resemblance of the body to a cobra with a raised hood, this pose helps open the chest, stretch the spine, and strengthen the back muscles.

  • Steps to Perform:
    1. Begin lying face down with legs extended and feet together, tops of the feet resting on the mat.
    2. Place hands under shoulders, elbows tucked close to the body.
    3. On an inhale, press into the palms to lift the chest, using back strength rather than pushing into the hands.
    4. Keep the lower body grounded, lifting only to the navel or chest level to avoid over-compression in the spine.
  • Benefits:
    • Strengthens the spine, back, and gluteal muscles.
    • Opens the chest and shoulders, which can aid in improved breathing and posture.
    • Helps relieve stress and fatigue.
  • Precautions: Avoid this pose if you have back injuries, carpal tunnel syndrome, or are pregnant.

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